Saturday, November 26, 2011


Dear Friends Today I want to post a short portion out of the pen of the powerful preacher and successful minister of the Gospel, Charles H Spurgeon. I post this with permission and have not neither will I ever try to Change, Edit. Refashion or Alter his writings. I too agree with him, in praying and believing that somewhere, somehow G-d will attract the right person to read this posting so that your life may be forever changed. Changed by knowledge gained out of this Posting that our G-d's greatest desire is foe all men everywhere to be given a chance that being exposed to the Life-changing Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His sacrificial death and Resurrection, men (and women) will be saved. G-D'S WILL IS THAT NONE SHALL PERISH BUT ALL INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH CHRIST JESUS HIS SON.

(Charles H Spurgeon)                          

HE WHO SPOKE and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the Holy Ghost, to use it in the conversion of millions, if so He pleases. No doubt many poor men and women will take up this little volume, and the Lord will visit them with grace. To answer this end, the very plainest language has been chosen, and many homely expressions have been used. But if those of wealth and rank should glance at this book, the Holy Ghost can impress them also; since that which can be understood by the unlettered is none the less attractive to the instructed. Oh that some might read it who will become great winners of souls! Who knows how many will find their way to peace by what they read here? A more important question to you, dear reader, is this – Will you be one of them? A certain man placed a fountain by the wayside, and he hung up a cup near to it by a little chain. He was told some time after that a great art-critic had found much fault with its design. "But," said he, "do many thirsty persons drink at it?" Then they told him that thousands of poor people, men, women, and children, slaked their thirst at this fountain; and he smiled and said, that he was little troubled by the critic's observation, only he hoped that on some sultry summer's day the critic himself might fill the cup, and he refreshed, and praise the name of the Lord. Here is my fountain, and here is my cup: find fault if you please; but do drink of the water of life. I only care for this. I had rather bless the soul of the poorest crossing-sweeper, or raggatherer, than please a prince of the blood, and fail to convert him to God. Reader, do you mean business in reading these pages? If so, we are agreed at the outset; but nothing short of your finding Christ Hand Heaven is the business aimed at here. Oh that we may seek this together! I do so by dedicating this little book with prayer. Will not you join me by looking up to God, and asking Him to bless you while you read? Providence has put these pages in your way, you have a little spare time in which to read them, and you feel willing to give your attention to them. These are good signs. Who knows but the set time of blessing is come for you? At any rate, "The Holy Ghost saith, Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."

If you need prayer and guidance, feel free to leave a message or comment and I will get back to you. Alternatively, you can e-mail me here.




Tonight is Graduation night for our 2011 students.  They will be rewarded for their hard work during the past semesters.
I would personally want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to each student who applied the words of the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to Timothy in:
2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 

We wish them God's richest blessings for the future, in their preparation for whatever G-d has called them for, that they would be the honed instrument in His Hand, bringing in the Harvest.

Invitations are extended to any and all interested persons who would like to enrol for the New 2012 year.  
We offer various courses from First year to Doctorate degree  to South Africans who would study at our various campuses.  These students meet for one Saturday per month for almost the whole day. 
Campuses are based in Boksburg (The Head Office), a campus in Silverton, Pretoria, Gauteng, in Vaalwater, Waterberg, Limpopo Province, Potchefstroom, North West Province and a new campus opening in Middleburg, Mphumalanga Province in January 2012.
To view the Elkanha Bible College website CLICK HERE

We wish Dr Vic Loubser success for this new endeavour and ask that you as an intercessor / prayer warrior, will carry this campus up in prayer for outstanding success.  

We also have a Correspondence School which offers Correspondence courses from First Year to Third Year.  All applications are welcome.  Unfortunately at this time, courses are only offered in English and Afrikaans, but any person from anywhere across the globe, may apply.

I appeal to you, followers and visitors, to place our Bible College on your prayer list.  We would also like to appeal to you for donations that we apply to helping many under-privileged students, in sponsoring their courses as they are called but do not have the finances to afford the Training. Our needs to build new campuses that will later become full-time or part-time education centres is a reality but finances are the set-back.  We pray that G-d inspire you to assist us financially in any way possible.

Feel free to e-mail enquiries for course info or to Partner with us, to:

The Rector's e-mail address: CLICK HERE

Thanks for your time.  G-d bless you.

Rodney (Tutor)

Monday, November 21, 2011



Prayer.  Time spent in the presence of G-d.  Or has it become a difficult time for you?

Prayer was always considered to be the heartbeat, the pulse, the Breath of Life to the Christian disciple.  A special time.  A time of expression.  A time when we meet with Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  A time of worship, praise and thankfulness.  Lifting up the Name of Jesus.  Lifting Him high so that others may be drawn to the Father through Christ Jesus.  A time of refreshing.  Times of renewal.  A time of penance for ourselves and for our friends, relatives, nation and others in need.  Oh our need to be in Him in prayer!
That precious place here we experience joy in the Lord. Crying, weeping, confessing the sins of our nation and our own, our leaders and our people, whose hearts have waxed cold and sin crept into their lives.  Being sorry for the state that we as what was once referred to as a G-d Fearing people, now but a mere shadow of what once was.  A time of calling on the Lord for forgiveness, petitioning, interceding, laying our burdens at His feet.  Our churches and their leaders needing guidance from on high, needing to realize our deep dependence on G-d in making a difference to our world.  A positive difference.  Turning the hearts of the people back to G-d.  We need to be revived in our own hearts FIRST!  Turn our own hearts back to G-d.  Allow the Holy Spirit to show us what we look like to Father. Removing the log out of our own eye before telling our brother to remove the splinter out of his eye?!?

But - through time and our rushed lives, we seldom get to spend quality time in His Presence.  Our first love is lost.  Our zeal and fervour have waned!  You hear it in the "dead sermons preached by dead preachers falling on the ears of dead congregants" (Leonard Ravenhill referred to this in his book "Why Revival Tarries").  Moses spent time with G-d on the Mountain and when he returned to the children of Israel, was asked to cover his face because the Glory of G-d shone forth from it, blinding those who looked upon him.  Oh Lord, that we would return to that first love and be changed into Your likeness.  That Your Shekinah Glory be seen on us.

To many, the prayer meeting at the local assembly is not a time of prayer, but singing and preaching.  In Afrikaans we advertize the midweek Prayer meeting as a "Biduur", directly translated as Prayer (Bid) Hour (uur).  I have knelt beside some brethren who are leaders in the assembly and listened to their 3 minute prayer.  When we allow the Spirit of G-d to start praying protracted prayers through us, the spirit of prayer falls on people who submit to and desire to be in conversations with G-d.  This spirit of prayer will fall on one, then another, and another until many are moved by this but where prayers are stifled and suppressed, people don't breakthrough into the Divine Presence of G-d and no special meetings occur.  Many folk cannot even recite the "Our Father" prayer taught by Jesus as a model for us to pray by.

Prayer can be taught but only when you personally take time to seek the Lord, does it become effectual, fervent and filled with passion and fire.  An old chorus rings out:

" Lord bring back, bring back those happy days,
when the Holy Ghost fell on every place
and the Love of G-d shone on every face,
Lord, bring back those happy days"

I want to open a page where we can write out our prayer requests.  A place where concerned Children of G-d can unite in prayer, confession, raising our petitions, in repentance outside of the walls and barriers that separate us through dogma and teachings.  We can hold our own dogmatical views yet be one in spirit and love.  We can pray together that G-d's Will and Purpose be achieved and the Kingdom of G-d be properly established without losing our identity.  In Christ Jesus, we have become one body.

Please feel free to post your requests so that many others can join in praying for your request and please remember to let us know when your prayers have been answered so that we can thank the Lord for answered prayers and be strengthened by your testimony that G-d can and always will answer prayer.

Gal 5:13  For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
Gal 5:14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Gal 5:16  This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 
Gal 5:17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 
Gal 5:25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 

Gal 6:2  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Gal 6:9  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 
Gal 6:10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. 

Job 42:10  And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.  (All quotations from the KJV)

Keywords: (Pray, prayer, Praying, Holy Spirit, led by the Spirit, effectual, fervent, fire, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, walk in the spirit, repent, repentance, waxed cold, first love, God s Will, Jesus, prayer hour, prayer meeting, singing, psalms and hymns, worship, praising God, Christian duty, steward, stewardship, refreshing, renewal, congregants, sermon, dead sermons, congregants, local, revival, penance, petitions, thankfulness, glory, Shekinah, Shekinah Glory, Moses, Job, assembly, shine, shone, shining, Biduur bid, Kingdom of God, G-d,) 


During the past couple of weeks, my inbox has been crammed, bombarded with mail mostly generating out of West Africa, (well-known for the amount of 419 and other scams in various forms), this time with a "Christian" appeal and flavour to them.  Below I have copied and pasted my reply to one of them which seems a little different from the other two I also copied and pasted for your review and feedback.

We do not want our Christian giving and duty as stewards of His finances, to be abused.  Neither do we want to sow our seed in unfruitful ground.  As stewards, the investment must bring forth fruit and interest for the Master and His Kingdom.

Was I rash?  Am I judgemental?  I think not.  Wouldn't like to be classed as that?  Was I wrong in sending the e-mail response like I did?  Let me know what your take on this is and how would you have responded?

I would much rather have flown into Nigeria with boxes of Bibles, visited the different churches and seen that these precious Bibles were handed over directly to the recipients, not for the glory, but knowing that the donations of good people went to the actual person intended by the giver.  Not being in the position to do that, I have to research and spend time in prayer for absolute guidance.  Will you join me in praying for discernment and that G-d speak to me (us) through His Word and Spirit?

Here is my reply:

Dear Brother Godswill

I have received your e-mail with much joy, that you were able to discover my small blog amongst the billions of blogs on the Internet.  I hear your appeal and my heart is greatly touched and moved by the cry for the Precious Word of God.  Truly, we are living in the last days!  Just as God spoke through the prophets of old that:

Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 

Amos 5:14  Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.
Amo 5:15  Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

Amos 8:11  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: 
Amo 8:12  And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. 

The last days signal sinful, evil days.  Days when Priest and Prophet imbibe in liquor and prophesy through strong drink (Liquor) and wine, but not out of the mouth of the Lord.  People running to and fro as knowledge increases, just look on the Internet, yet the true Word of the Lord G-d is scarce.  G-d sending a hunger and a thirsting after both the written and Spoken Word of the Lord without finding them.

I have empathy to your appeal and because I know that spiritual growth is dependant on getting the masses to read the Bible in their own languages but how do I discern who the true disciples and the false disciples are?  My inbox has been flooded with requests for Bibles (mostly all in Giant Large Print for the elders and elderly folk), just as your appeal came to me.  I have copied and pasted two other requests below so please read all the way through to the bottom of my reply.
What struck me was that in quite a few of the letters was that the content of the letters were the same or very similar and especially these two below, same address but the writers are different.

Where does this leave me?  What are we to do about this?  When we distribute Bibles, money, clothing and/or food to the destitute, the poor, the unemployed, those living in areas behind the Bamboo curtain and Middle East, we want to know that the seed is sowed in ground that will yield a harvest for the Kingdom of G-d.  To sort through the genuine appeals and those of scammers becomes difficult.  You may not believe it but even in this "free" democratic South Africa, we have many people both young and aged who have NEVER owned their own Bibles!

I personally have met many folk during our crusades and outreaches, who have asked me for a Bible of their own.

I am dismayed and appalled that there are people who will go to any lengths to scam churches, ministers and/or ministries for Bibles etc, for their own greed.  I do not imply that you are crooked.  If I have offended you, I apologize and ask forgiveness but you will have to convince me that my suspicions are ungrounded and you are the "Real Deal".  I do not want a visitation from G-d to be misunderstood but I will definitely pray long and hard for an answer from Father about this.

I will post this in my blog and appeal to other Christian readers to pray with me that we can either know the truth and reach out in support of your cause or be warned by G-d to not allow the evil one to abuse the giving of well-meaning Christian brethren.  Is this OK with you?

In His and to your service
Humbly I remain



 Baroody Najwa Raja Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:21 PM
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Dear Brethren in Christ,

I am very happy to write you this letter as I pray  and hope you willanswer my writing for the holy  bibles for myself and the christianlepers that  are with me." I want to brief you little about myself. Sir i was  born to the familyof a chief priest - a well  known idol worshipping family, and marriedto the  daughter of another such family. we had four  children, andlived their idol worshipping life  happily. Then everythingchanged.

My wife came  back from the city where he had gone to buygoats  for our annual festival. She came back to inform  me of hisencounter with a man of GOD that told  him about Jesus Christ and itwas the first time  she was hearing of that name. she also told me theman of GOD said we should accept Jesus Christ as  our only lord andpersonal saviour. We never really understand what it means to accept  Jesus Christ asour only lord and personal saviour  until two months later, April25,when my Wife  encountered this man of GOD again and he accompany myWife back to the village, that he now taught us  what it means to acceptChrist as our lord and  saviour. On the 10th of May, 1994, we were baptized and started our home fellowship.
It was  then that the  troublestarted. The villagers including my Wife's dad abducted my  Wife and sacrificed herto their gods, and that  same night they came to our house in the middleof  the night and set our house ablaze, and I lost my  2 sons and daughterto the inferno. It was only a miracle that I managed to escape  that night with myonly surviving son, but by the  time the villagers got to know aboutwhy we were  running from our village, they too planned to use  us forrituals, and they believed we are accursed  for believing in JesusChrist. But God had a  purpose for me in life, and made one of theelders  in the village to have compassion on us and let us  escapebefore the day we were to be used as  sacrifices to their gods. We eventually settled in O. Leprosy Centre where  we were receivedwith open arms. We were free from  all the disturbance as the lepersare rejected  people in our society back here. I was afraid to  preachthe gospel again as I was afraid of death.  But on October 27, 1999,God spoke to me in my  dream that I should not be afraid of death, fordeath is the gateway to eternity in Heaven for we  thebelievers...that HE preserved me and allowed  all those persecutionsto happen to me so I can  serve him.... by the next day when I woke up I realise for the 4 years I have been with the  orphans, none of them haveever heard of the  gospel, and none of them knew anything about our  Lordand Saviour Jesus Christ. So I started to  preach the gospel of Jesus tothem. Initially they refuse to listen as they believed  nobody loves or careabout them and that Jesus I  talk about is no different. But aftermuch  preaching and praying for six months, I was able  to convert 10 of them for Jesus Christ.

Today I am  happy to say we are 163 innumber, and we now have  a church that is called Ugbelilighe Leper Community Bible Church  We have been serving and doing the work of GODdiligently even with all the hardship and untold  neglect from the membersof the larger society. We  don't even have a church building, and we useunder trees for our worship and services, but our  major problem is theholy bible for 20 Elders in  the Church and they are old and they can onlyread  the GIANT PRINT BIBLES.Please do send us the Giant Print Bibles assoon as possible so that Souls  will have God's Word to study. May God Bless you For the work you do for the  cause of the kingdom In Christ.

Evangelist Baroody Najwa Raja

Ugbelilighe Leper Community Bible Church
19E Ugbelilighe Avenue GOP-Uje 8950 , Benin City, Edo State , Nigeria.    LOOK AT THIS ADDRESS

   _Maamoun Roueida Fouad Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 10:22 PM
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Dear Brethren in Christ, 

I am very happy to write you this letter as I pray  and hope you willanswer my writing for the holy  bibles for myself and the christianlepers that  are with me." I want to brief you little about myself. Sir i was  born to the familyof a chief priest - a well  known idol worshipping family, and marriedto the  daughter of another such family. we had four  children, andlived their idol worshipping life  happily. Then everythingchanged. 

My wife came  back from the city where he had gone to buygoats  for our annual festival. She came back to inform  me of hisencounter with a man of GOD that told  him about Jesus Christ and itwas the first time  she was hearing of that name. she also told me theman of GOD said we should accept Jesus Christ as  our only lord andpersonal saviour. We never really understand what it means to accept  Jesus Christ asour only lord and personal saviour  until two months later, April25,when my Wife  encountered this man of GOD again and he accompany myWife back to the village, that he now taught us  what it means to acceptChrist as our lord and  saviour. On the 10th of May, 1994, we were baptized and started our home fellowship. 

It was  then that the  troublestarted. The villagers including my Wife's dad abducted my  Wife and sacrificed herto their gods, and that  same night they came to our house in the middleof  the night and set our house ablaze, and I lost my  2 sons and daughterto the inferno. It was only a miracle that I managed to escape  that night with myonly surviving son, but by the  time the villagers got to know aboutwhy we were  running from our village, they too planned to use  us forrituals, and they believed we are accursed  for believing in JesusChrist. But God had a  purpose for me in life, and made one of theelders  in the village to have compassion on us and let us  escapebefore the day we were to be used as  sacrifices to their gods. We eventually settled in O. Leprosy Centre where  we were receivedwith open arms. We were free from  all the disturbance as the lepersare rejected  people in our society back here. I was afraid to  preachthe gospel again as I was afraid of death.  But on October 27, 1999,God spoke to me in my  dream that I should not be afraid of death, fordeath is the gateway to eternity in Heaven for we  thebelievers...that HE preserved me and allowed  all those persecutionsto happen to me so I can  serve him.... by the next day when I woke up I realise for the 4 years I have been with the  orphans, none of them haveever heard of the  gospel, and none of them knew anything about our  Lordand Saviour Jesus Christ. So I started to  preach the gospel of Jesus tothem. Initially they refuse to listen as they believed  nobody loves or careabout them and that Jesus I  talk about is no different. But aftermuch  preaching and praying for six months, I was able  to convert 10 of them for Jesus Christ. 

Today I am  happy to say we are 163 innumber, and we now have  a church that is called Osesegheghie Leper Community Bible Church  We have been serving and doing the work of GODdiligently even with all the hardship and untold  neglect from the membersof the larger society. We  don't even have a church building, and we useunder trees for our worship and services, but our  major problem is theholy bible for 21 Elders in  the Church and they are old and they can onlyread  the GIANT PRINT BIBLES.Please do send us the Giant Print Bibles assoon as possible so that Souls  will have God's Word to study. May God Bless you For the work you do for the  cause of the kingdom In Christ. 

Pastor Maamoun Roueida Fouad 

Osesegheghie Leper Community Bible Church 
19E Ugbelilighe Avenue GOP-Uje 8950 , Benin City, Edo State , Nigeria. SAME ADDRESS DIFFERENT PASTOR?

On 11/20/11, Godswill Ayazekor wrote:
Greetings in Jesus name,

May this letter finds you blessed in Christ. I am writing from West Africa and it is a blessing getting to you in the other part of the world. It is my prayer that you become a friend of me and the local church here.  I got your email when I surfed into the web site and I know that it is God’s arrangement.
By His grace I am a Believer bought and washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I am married with three children. I am a pastor of a small local church non denominational or affiliated to anybody. The church was founded in 2006 and now has about 30 members. I gave my life to Christ in 1987 when I was still in the high school at Zaria. A campus fellowship student by name Femi was my roommate at school and his life of faithfulness unto Christ and his prayer and teaching me the Bible led me to Christ. This Brother told me then that he sensed that God was going to use me for His cause. I was never ready to hear that because my dream or thought was never in the ministry but to finish my studies and get a nice job. Five years after school and already working I started having the stronger urge and sensing that God was calling me but I kept on putting it off my heart because my job and life was sweet to me and I felt I needed nothing else.
One day a guest speaker was ministering in our church and he singled me out in a crowd of over a thousand and told me that God has called me to the ministry and cannot hide. After he left I told my pastor that I have accepted and my pastor and other elders of the church prayed with me. I immediately joined and headed the evangelical outreach of the church and I saw many coming to Christ in the outreach. I let go of my job in 2005 and returned to Edo my State. I joined a small local church and was assisting the pastor as the second pastor. In January 13th 2007 a pastor of a little church of about five families in my area walked up to me telling me that he is leaving the state to his home state where the Lord has asked him to go and start the work. He said he has been praying for over a month that the Lord has asked him to tell me to take over the little church he founded 2006. I have not had relationship with this pastor before now so it amazed me. He asked me to pray to ask the Lord. I did prayed and without wasting time I knew the Lord ask me to hold that little church and that was how I became the pastor of this church called Victory Chapel. The church is a growing church and we meet at a temporary rented building. We are earthly rich but rich in Christ, riches that will last for eternity.

2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. The reason why I am writing is to appeal for your assistance in the area of a Study Bible which will be of help to me in my research and study of the bible as well as lesson preparation as a pastor, and bibles for our aged members. These items are very scarce here. I need The Dakes Annotated Reference Bible. It is a very good study Bible for ministers of the gospel. A pastor friend here got his from where it was purchase for him by his cousin abroad. I checked the site and also found it there. Please help me for it. There are many in our local church who do not have bibles and cannot afford to buy. I want to specifically make a request for the elderly ones who cannot work and earn money to buy for themselves. There are 12 of such very old fathers and mothers in our church who read and understand English and they are very devoted. Please on their behalf I request that you send them 12 Bibles the very big letters which is the super giant print 18 point type would be preferable for them because of their sight. They also have this kind of bible at We would also appreciate used bibles provided the pages are complete. Thank you for considering this request. And as you help to meet this kingdom need the Lord will bless you finance abundantly. If you send the bibles through post office a registered postage the bibles will get to us safely. I was told at the post office that EMS postage or insured mail is safer. My home and postal address is 498 Upper Mission Road-Glpo 5870, Oredo Local Government, Edo State, Nigeria.
Please write when you get my mail. I do not have full access to internet but I can check at least three times weekly especially after church on Sunday like today. Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days"

Continue to be obedient and the Lord will honour you in His time. Exodus 19:5, the Lord spoke to the children of Israel through Moses saying:  "Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:..."  The Lord bless you and keep you in His perfect love.

 In His Service,

Godswill Ayazeko

 498 Upper Mission Road-Glpo 5870,
 Oredo Local Government,
 Edo State, Nigeria "Unquote"

G-d bless you for taking time to read this.  We are duty-bound to spread the Gospel message about Salvation through the Sacrificial Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living G-d, but there are evil people out there who are robbing us of a real blessing because by doing things like this, they make us wary to support ministries and close our hands, hearts and pockets to the genuine brethren who are in dire straits.  You may respond by e-mail, by clicking on my e-mail link or leave a comment in the box below.
Click Here To E-Mail Me

Shalom / Peace

Monday, November 14, 2011

Building Cross-links to your weblog or web site

One of the easiest ways to get traffic to your web-site is by adding crosslinks into your web pages.

Without traffic to your site, you cannot generate a name list or sales. I include a link for you to follw below that is a sure aid in advancing your opportunities of growing traffic.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jimmy Swaggart Music, Books and DVDs - Advert

Do you love listening to Christian Gospel music that is anointed?  Want to grow Spiritually>  Need a good Bible with commentaries and Study notes?  Look no further.  Here is a truly anointed servant of God whose ministry has touched millions of lives all over the globe.  I can really refer him as a source of solid Word based sermons and teachings, an Evangelist and musician of note.  Don't listen to me only, go to most Christian book stores and listen to his latest CD or DVD then judge for yourself.

Jimmy Swaggart Expositor's Bible
Black Bonded Leather R1250.00
Gaint Print Hardcover R1100.00
Crossfire Adition R680.00
Jimmy Swaggart Commentary 32 volumes - R460 per volume
Jimmy Swaggart and his Golden Gospel Piano - Music CD's and DVD's - Preaching and Teaching CD and DVD's

Monday, May 30, 2011

Study to shew thyself approved unto God...

Many different vews are shared between different chuch denominations and laymen concerning the call of God on a person's life and the equipping for the Ministry.  Some are set on a minister being fully equipped through a Thelogical Seminary, Bible School or Bible College, while many, even today, feel that God's call is sufficient and seeing that God called him or her, God will equip them Himself.  But what does the Word of God have to say on this subject?

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The first admonition by the Apostle Paul to the young preacher Timothy was:  Study to shew thyself approved unto God...Why? a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (The Infallible Word of God, the Word of Truth -(my own words here added)).
In a time when false teachings are preached over Radio and Television, DVD's with misleading content are given out for Free, so many well-meaning Christians who are not properly founded in the Word of God, are misled and led astray, we need to have some background of Biblical teaching that can "rightly divide the word of tructh" from the deceptive lies of the enemy of our souls, the devil.2Ti 2:15

Study — Greek, “Be earnest,” or “diligent.”

to show — Greek, “present,” as in Rom_12:1.

thyself — as distinguished from those whom Timothy was to charge (2Ti_2:14).

approved — tested by trial: opposed to “reprobate” (Tit_1:16).

workman — alluding to Mat_20:1, etc.

not to be ashamed — by his work not being “approved” (Phi_1:20). Contrast “deceitful workers” (2Co_11:13).

rightly dividing — “rightly handling” [Vulgate]; “rightly administering” [Alford]; literally, cutting “straight” or “right”: the metaphor being from a father or a steward (1Co_4:1) cutting and distributing bread among his children [Vitringa and Calvin], (Luk_12:42). The Septuagint, Pro_3:6; Pro_11:5, use it of “making one’s way”: so Bengel here takes Paul to mean that Timothy may make ready a straight way for “the word of truth,” and may himself walk straight forward according to this line, turning neither to the right nor to the left, “teaching no other doctrine” (1Ti_1:3). The same image of a way appears in the Greek for “increase” (see on 2Ti_2:16). The opposite to “rightly handling,” or “dispensing,” is, 2Co_2:17, “corrupt the word of God.”

truth — Greek, “the truth” (compare 2Ti_2:18).
(This is the commentary by JFB.)
 Sound Biblical teaching of the Truth of the Word of God is necessary and needed to guide millions of lost seeking souls to reconciliation with God, leading them to repentance, deliverance and a walk of faith in and ,with God as their new lifestyle.  The grace of God and the Blood of Jesus the Christ are key teachings to not only get a sinner saved, but to keep them growing and glowing, as the take their first steps into an adventure with God, that will last their lifetime, as Jude writes to us on God's ability to carry us through a lifetime of struggles and trials, safely keeping us from stumbling or falling, true until the end of our life on earth:-

Jud 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

Jud 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

For more information about our Bible College, feel free to contact me personally if you reside in South Africa.  Our mission and vision is to equip the saints for their work in spreading the Gospel message of Salvation throughout the world  God bless you today.

Father, my humble prayer today is that You would guide some seeking soul to the discovery of Biblical material that they could be equipped with and sent into All the world, to fulfill Your Great Commission.  Lord, open the hearts and minds of those seeking to please You, by studying to shew themselves approved unto God, workmen and women, not being ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, for when we know the Truth, the Truth shall set us free and we shall be free indeed.  I ask this in the Name of our Lord Jesus the Christ, Your Holy Child.  Amen
A workman that needeth not to be ashamed - Either of unfaithfulness or unskilfulness. Rightly dividing the word of truth - Duly explaining and applying the whole scripture, so as to give each hearer his due portion. But they that give one part of the gospel to all (the promises and comforts to unawakened, hardened, scoffing men) have real need to be ashamed. (Wesley's commentary on this verse).
2Ti 2:15

Even many Theologians today argue about the Virgin Birth, the sinless life on earth of Jesus the Son of God being Total man and still overcoming the sin that so easily besets us....  The do not believe in the Second Coming of Christ, teach the the Rapture has already taken place, cal our Gospel a Gospel of Blood, failing to understand that :
Heb 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Heb 9:23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

Heb 9:24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

Heb 9:25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;

Heb 9:26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Zimbabwe Crusade Update 1

I was so disappointed when our week-end trip had to be cancelled because our travel plans were not finalized.  I was to fly up and back, but this never realized.  It was very disheartening and the whole week-end I moped about not leaving. 

I now know that God changes our disappointments in Divine appointments.  Appointments where God intends doing things on His terms and not ours.  Our time is not His time this is why we have to be sensitive to the Leading of the blessed Holy Spirit.  Let go and let God have His wonderful way.

I have booked my ticket to Bulawayo and will be departing from Johannesburg on Thursday 10th March 2011 at 08h00 and arriving in Bulawayo the evening at 20h15.

I need Prayer partners who can intercede on behalf of the Gospel and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  If you are interested in joining me in prayer, please subscribe to my blog.

God bless you

Pastor Rodney Spray

Saturday, February 26, 2011





We appeal to all Christians to join in Prayer for these meetings and our preparation for the City-wide Crusade. We are expecting God to work miracles during these meeings. Physical healings and miracles, Spiritual healing of the inner man, the Power of God in deliverance from demonic oppression, possession, liberating captives and destroying the effects of poverty and abuse. Jesus Christ is still in the business of healing and changing lives, circumstances and saving from the guttermost to the uttermost.

We are in need of Sponsors and Partners who will carry this ministry in their prayers and aiding us in and with financial support. We want to reach the masses before the Great Day of the Lord is upon us. We need donations of clothing and food for the poor and down-trodden. Our message means nothing if we are unable to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit prisons and share what we have as our Master, Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God has taught us to do.

If you would like to Sponsor us, please fill out your detail which you can e-mail to me on:

Thank you and God bless you for your love and dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Be zealeous. Fulfill your calling. Let the Fire of the Holy Ghost burn in you, setting others on fire for God. Stay true to the Words and example of Christ and let your light shine in the area you live to bring light to darkness.

Faithfully His servant to your service,

Rodney G Spray

Pastor, Evangelist