Monday, December 1, 2008

House Of Mercy International Ministries Introduction

Welcome to The House of Mercy International Ministries, (Online Church).  
The name House of Mercy is found in the Gospel of St. John 5, referred to as Bethesda (Beth Esda = House of mercy or grace / (Afr) huis van genade) where I pray you find Mercy and Grace.
An online Interdenominational Ministry to minister to your individual needs.  An Online House of Prayer 24/7/365.  A place where you will find the answer to your problem.

Remember this, Jesus is the answer.

My name is Rodney G Spray. A pastor for the past 27 years (now in 2011).  I am married to my beautiful wife, Zuzette, who ministers along with me whenever possible. We reside in Springs, Gauteng, South Africa.
I minister through a strong Evangelistic and Prophetic message. I have planted 14 new churches (Through the office of Apostle) to date (2011), where the prophetic / apostolic ministry functioned and still functions.  I fully rely solely on the Lord for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to work in our meetings, confirming the message through signs, portents and miracles. A called Evangelist and Prophet, (Isaiah 6; Jeremiah 1:4 - 12, 17 - 19;), not out of own interest or desire, but a definite calling to be sent by Father to preach the Gospel, (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8; Ezekiel 2:1 through chapter 3:1-12, 16 - 22; 33:1 - 11).  Preaching and teaching the Good News of the abounding Love of God, who sent His only begotten Son to this world as the supreme sacrifice (John 3:16), offering Salvation, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness and Deliverance to all who believe through faith in the shed Blood of Calvary that whosoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-11; Acts 10:34 - 43; Ephesians 2:8 & 9 (saved by Grace and not by works); 1 John 1:5 - 8; 5:1- 5, 13; 2 Peter 3:9). Please read these verses of Scripture.

The Ministry is not based on a person of flesh and blood, myself or any other minister. The ministry is founded on the sure Foundation, Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone and the teachings of the Apostles and Prophets and the whole Truth of the Word of God. Holy men of old, inspired by the Spirit of God, spoke Prophetic uterrances giving birth to the Bible Truths about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, (1 Peter 1:76 through chapter 2:7).
We believe that the answer for today is only Jesus, the Christ, the True and Living Son of God, Messiah. He will soon be returning on the clouds of Glory to take his Bride away to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (Revelation 4:1, 19:1 -10). After the Marriage Supper, He will return as the Rider on the white horse with the armies of Heaven to do battle against the unholy trinity, the devil, the beast and the false prophet who will be overcome by the Lord Jesus Christ and His army. The devil will be siezed and bound for a thousand years, (Rev. 20:1), and all those who accepted and bore the sign of the beast, will be killed by the sword that protudes out of the mouth of the Rider on the white horse but the beast and the false prophet will be cast alive into the lake that burns with sulphur and fire. (Rev. 19:11 - 21).

The message is not mine - I cannot change it. I cannot, will not and refuse to be swayed by New thinkers to change or water-down this Holy Message.  It is the Gospel that brings Hope where there is despair, Faith where doubt reigns, Courage to stand firm when others grow weak and fills the heart with a longing to please the Father by harvesting the lost souls into the Kingdom of God.
The commission is to  GO.  "...Go into all the world to preach..." this message of God's eternal Love for a lost world. Sinners who have not been presented the opportunity to flee from their sinful lives and the reward thereof to a Gracious, forgiving God, who wants all men everywhere not to perish in their sins but be saved through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (1 John 4: 9, 10). Jesus bore our sins on Himself for my behalf. The song writer wrote: "..and I should have hung on that cross of shame, but Jesus took my place." No greater love is there than this, that someone would lay down his live for a stranger, friend or even a dear family member. Yet, while we were yet sinners and showed no affection or interest in Him, Jesus took our place and died on the cross in our stead. God manifested His love to us by allowing His Only Begotten Son to pay the highest penalty for sin, instead of all mankind each being responsible for their own sin!?! He who knew no sin, was made sin so that we through Him could be made the Righteousness of God.

I personally experienced the Saving Grace of God.  In 1978 during a Sunday morning service in the old MOTH Hall in Virginia, Orange Free State province of South Africa, I was brought under the conviction of the Holy Ghost of my sinful state. It seemed to me, a "good?" Presbyterian, (please understand that I do not judge any denomination, I was a Presbyterian from birth, 'baptized /Christened' there, attended Sunday School and confirmed there), who only normally attended church once on a Sunday in order to do my duty to God but imbibing in liquor, wasted my youth on dagga (marijuana) and drugs and had been a partaker of many other sinful follies.  I felt that somehow someone must have told the pastor all about my vices and sins. It seems as if he was preaching directly to and at me.  As though he knew all about me and my sinful ways. I wanted to turn around to see whether I could identify who it could've been who had told the pastor such a lot about my life, but I felt too ashamed and didn't want others to know it was me he was preaching about.

At the end of his sermon, the pastor asked those who felt that the Lord had spoken to them to raise their hands. Well, I was not a member of this Pentecostal church. I was a Presbyterian. In our church, the Reverend never asked this sort of thing, so I just sat there. The pastor asked all who had raised their hands to please stand to their feet. Again I argued with myself that I was not a member of this church, that I hadn't raised my hand because in our church we did not do such things, so I just sat there.
Then I felt "someone" gently place their hands under my armpits and gently prompt me and help me to stand. I thought without looking who could have the audacity to do something like this, help me to my feet. I peeked back to see who it was and to my surprise I could see no-one.

The Pastor now asked all who were standing to come down to the altar. Again I thought: "It's not my church, we don't do these things at my church, I never raised my hands and I was "helped" to my feet, so I'm not going anywhere." This time I felt the same hands, positioned between my shoulder blades, this time push me forward towards the altar. On my way to the altar I noticed that there was nobody behind me that I could see doing this to me. I fell to my knees before that altar and started weeping and crying bitterly, for no likely reason. I never understood the convicting power of the Holy Ghost (St. John 16: 8 - 11). The more I was telling myself to stop weeping, the more the tears flowed. My body was shaking, here I was crying in front of a full hall of strangers. I never cried in front of my own family never mind strangers. We were taught: "Cowboys don't cry". But here I was crying, tears were streaming down my face. No altar worker prayed with me or advised me about what was taking place. It was just me (and God at work, naturally). After some time I returned to my seat.

I just felt a peace fill my heart. I was always searching for something that I never understood. It was that searching for something that had led me to nightclubs, sessions, bars, sinful pleasures etc, but inside of me I could never stop the searching for something.  Something I didn't know of, about or what it was. Here now. back in my seat I knew that the search had ended. I had found what I was constantly searching for. I just knew that I knew that I knew without really knowing what it was I knew except that something had happened to me on the carpet in front of the pulpit. I did not know about confessing my sins by the name in the way that I had done them There were many things I never knew about salvation, forgiveness, being saved by Grace, the sacrificial substitutionary death of Christ Jesus and the resurrection from death. I was never taught about these things before, never taught how to pray specifically or what to pray for. I knew this though, something happened.

After the church service ended and we went out from the building, the sky seemed bluer, the trees and grass greener and the heavy burden was lifted from my heart. I was free and I didn't know that God in His unfailing Love and Grace and Mercy, had decided to save a sinner like me.  It was only in the weeks that followed that I was taught that the Blood of Jesus Christ had washed away all my sins.

The next day at work underground, (I was a miner), I found myself singing the choruses these folk sang at that Pentecostal church. I didn't know the words and also didn't remember all the tunes but I was singing. Sometimes putting my own words in. After a few days I took a small New Testament underground with me and would read the Bible whenever I had the opportunity. My spiritual growth had started. Before I was saved, I thought these folk were mad to go to church on a Wednesday evening to a prayer meeting, Saturday night - Youth Meeting, Sunday 2 services morning and night. But after I was saved, I told the pastor there were too many days in-between services where we could've been in church but were not. It wasn't long before I was convicted that I needed to be baptized in water by full immersion as were those who are recorded in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. God used His Word to convict my heart. I so wanted to be baptized as were so many folk in the New Teastament. They were saved and baptized - they and their households, ON THE SAME DAY! I was baptized 14th September 1978, the old man of sin was buried in Christ's death so that I could arise with Him in a new life in His resurrection. Halleluljah, Praise the Lord, Amen.

Thank God for His unchanging Love toward all men. I know His Salvation is real. That was more than 33 years ago and is still as real today as it was then. He saves, He delivers, He breaks the chains and fetters that had kept me and so many others like us bound for so long, so that we might be free. He came to set the captive free.
Remember, God is in the business of saving souls from perdition. Friend, hell was created for the devil and his angels, never for man. Please read St. Matthew 25:41 and see that man by his own choice and own free will chooses to remain disobedient to God and His Word and thus chooses to be destined to the Great White Throne Judgement and eventually hell. A very real place. Not the figment of someone's imagination.  Not a "scary" story to move your choice to God because of the fear of being cast into hell.  NO, 1000 times no!  We accept God's way of escape because it is driven by LOVE. (Read Revelation 20) "...and the books were opened and another book called the Book of Life. Whoever's name was not found in that book, was cast into the lake that burns with sulphur and fire".

God offers you the opportunty to become a child of God, to be born again. To be washed in the Blood of the Lamb and ensure that your name is not blotted out of the Book God has written. Your name was entered into that book long before you were born. It is only removed once you have refused the Love, Grace, Mercy and Salvation of God by ignoring His Holy Spirit's convicting tug at your heart to make right with God and by not surrendering your will and heart to His call, to be saved.

Maybe somehow, you 'stumbled' onto this web-page by accident, (although it is not by accident, but by God's gracious Providence), because He really loves you so much that I was moved to include this paragraph especially for you. You may be feeling like I felt that morning in the MOTH hall. I didn't know how to pray except recite the "Our Father who art in Heaven..." that we were taught at school and at Sunday School and the recitation before we would sleep at night, "Now I lay me down to sleep...", which I'm sure you may be familiar with. I knew that I was lost but also never knew that I could be saved. I knew of Heaven and Hell but I was living my life seaching for meaning and not knowing where to find the answer. Maybe your situation is even worse off than mine was. You may be feeling low, dejected, rejected, sad and lonely, been through a sad divorcement, lost a loved one through death, living in loneliness without company or friends, your business may have failed and you've hit rock bottom. The recession wiped you out. The little money you had left was eaten by the crash. Your outstanding bills cannot be met. The banks are threatening with foreclosures and dispossesion (repossesion is what we call it in South Africa). Everything has turned against you. Maybe you once served God but have back-slidden. You may have even considered suicide. Friend, that isn't the answer.

Your answer is right here, right now. You read so far that you may as well keep reading on.


Come unto Jesus, He cares for you. He wants to take charge of your life and give you a reason to go on, a reason to live. God is not looking at your circumstances as you are now.  He is looking at  what you can become for the Kingdom of God. God never saves men to idly warm the pews in some church building where you pay your dues / membership fees at the Holy Gospel Social Club, NO He enrols workers in the Vineyard, Soldiers for the battlefield, men and women who have a burden to see the lost saved and the world being won for the Glory of God. You (like the American president Abe Lincoln with his finger pointing at you), are needed by the Kingdom of God. Saved with a purpose.  Saved for a purpose.  Saved with God's design and pattern for your life in mind.

Would you surrender your life to Christ Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God? Back-slider, will you return to your first love and also pray the Sinner's prayer again? Would you pray this simple prayer with me, believing as you pray as if these were your own words? It's alright to shed a tear of remorse about your sinful past. It's OK to break down in the Presence of the Most High God, confessing your sins and trusting God for forgiveness and deliverance. Even if you are sitting at your desk at work reading this prayer, praying it in faith and weeping. If it happens, don't feel ashamed but know that Father God in His gracious mercy has stopped at your computer to "speak" to you personally.  There is an old song that says: "He washed my eyes with tears, that I might see...". Many days I receive e-mails that touch my heart and emotions in such a way that I weep. Pray with me:

"Heavenly Father, I (mention your name eg Rodney, Zafira, Sharon, Malik, Inkosinathi etc), come before You just as I am. I confess that I am a sinner and have sinned against You and others. I confess my sins (of adultery, fornification, idolatory, swearing, stealing money or goods from (name the persons), unfaithfulness, occultic practices, backsliding, etc), and believe that only the Blood of Jesus, Your Son, can wash away the stains of sin. Save me Lord, as I cannot save myself. I have made a mess of my life because I was doing it all my way and not Your way. I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour and ask you Father, that You accept me as Your child. Forgive my sins, deliver me from the power of the evil one and cleanse me. Help me to serve You in Holiness and make my walk with You in a Holy walk. Teach me to understand your Word and teach me to become a man /woman of prayer. Thank You that you allowed Jesus to take my place on Calvary and become my Redeemer and Saviour. I love You Father and praise and worship You. Thank You for salvation. I am now a child of God, I am now saved and delivered and the devil has no right over me. I am Yours and You are mine. Thank you Jesus that You died in my place so that I may be free. In Jesus' name I pray this Father.  I believe that I am forgiven.  I am saved and I now am Your child.  Thank You in Jesus' Name.   Amen and Amen.

If you have surrendered your life to Christ and would like to know more about how to grow spiritually, more about the Gospel and / or what to do next, please drop me an e-mail to: telling me about your decision etc.

I would love to guide you in a closer walk with the Lord.

I minister locally in both English and Afrikaans. I would love to travel overseas to preach the Gospel in your church or city. I am available for Old Fashioned Revival services, Healing services, Pentecostal Holy Ghost meetings and Gospel Crusades.

If you want to partner with our ministry through prayer or financial support, becoming involved in organizing Outreaches or Crusades in your area and would like to invite me to minister there, feel free to contact me on the above-mentioned e-mail address. I will also answer all questions and queries that you may have.

May God richly bless you, keep His Hand on and over you, and impart within you a longing to serve Him in Spirit and in Truth.

To find out more about becoming a Partner,


Rodney G Spray (Pastor)

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